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  • Visibility Issues on PH with 700 upvotes β€”anyone else also experienced PH dismiss launched Product?

    Wanyun Chang
    2 replies
    πŸ™Œ Hello Product Hunt Community, We recently launched our product on May 16th, backed by a solid user base across Asia we've developed over 8 years. We're thrilled to have garnered 700 upvotes, which we believed would position us among the top three for the day. However, we've encountered some puzzling issues: 1. No Official Ranking: Despite the high number of upvotes, our product didn't receive an official ranking, which usually includes up to the top 25 spots. 2. Visibility Fluctuations: Our page occasionally disappeared from the 'All' page, as reported by some users. 3. We were not featured on the front page, even though we had a significant number of upvotes and comments, which was surprising especially seeing products with fewer than 100 upvotes get that spot. Does not being featured on the front page effectively mean no official ranking is possible? πŸ€” Has anyone else experienced similar issues with their launched products? We've sent an email to ask the questions above and haven't received any feedback regarding the issues. πŸ™ We value the Product Hunt platform and community. Any insights or experiences you might have are welcome. Sharing lessons learned, your company, and your product could also lead to fruitful discussions and connections here! Despite not receiving an official rank, we still regard it as a great opportunity for us to learn and connect! Lastly, here are some links for more context: πŸ‘‰ Our Company Website: https://en.macromicro.me/ πŸ‘‰ Our Product Hunt Upvote Page: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/macromicro 🌎 We have over 39K registered users and are looking to expand into English-speaking markets. If you're interested in our product or have any suggestions, please reach out! Any feedback from this community is appreciated, and thanks for your support! :)


    this is so weird, I hope you get an answer, and I would like to know as well.
    Huang Henry
    That's so unfair. Hope the Product Hunt team takes this issue seriously.