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  • Tool that allows you to access different websites on one page?

    Richard Gao
    11 replies
    Has anyone made a tool that allows you to access a bunch of sites on the same page? Hate having to check my discord, email, twitter, product hunt, etc by bouncing around different websites


    Michael Weber
    You can ask chatgpt to create a html file with iframes in it which should contain the URLs you need.
    Victor Giurgiu
    @michael_weber that's awesome Michael! thanks for the opportunity, but I actually just built a really cool solution to this with my friend, Adrian last night xD we'll be launching soon, so if you want to see a demo, feel free to check my twitter ;) https://twitter.com/PiticVic/sta...
    Victor Giurgiu
    @michael_weber agreed, but you won't be able to get past the Cross-scripting security errors with this method :(
    Michael Weber
    @vicdevelopmently yes you're wright! I've mentioned that also as i just playing with chatgpt to get a solution for that. One idea i had to use a scraper to get the rendered pages - but that also doesn't work good. If you're interested in source code - you'll find it here: https://github.com/MichaelVIU/if... (98% chatgpt) The ready solution so far here: https://iframehub-m2gp.vercel.app/ I've another solution in my mind to get a solution for that problem - if you are interested to make a solution together let me know ;)
    Michael Weber
    @vicdevelopmently Great to see - looking forward for your launch :)
    Zack Anselm
    Therr for Business - Ads Orchestrator
    @sandradjajic from Klu.so might have an answer to that
    Karthik Tatikonda
    Yeah, it would be great to have a dashboard of all the social media and community handles for startup founders
    Richard Gao
    @karthik_tatikonda Yep especially to ones like Discord
    Karthik Tatikonda
    Yeah @richard_gao2. That will make our life easy to keep track of all communities and sm platforms.
    Victor Giurgiu
    I'll build this over this weekend :)) Keep an eye on my twitter guys