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  • time management strategies

    Shreyanshi Gupta
    10 replies
    What have been the most successful time management strategies for you?


    Binay Singh
    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best time management strategies will vary based on your individual circumstances and needs. However, some general tips that may be helpful include setting realistic goals, breaking tasks down into manageable parts, and establishing a regular schedule. It can also be helpful to set aside specific times each day for work and leisure activities. And lastly, make sure you are using technology in the most effective way possible to help manage your time more efficiently. For example, use timers or clock reminders to prevent yourself from working past unreasonable hours or diving headlong into projects without proper planning or preparation.
    Vibhor Gajbhiye
    Documenting activities and then prioritizing them on an excel sheet has always helped me to keep track and execute tasks efficiently. This could be done not just for professional activities but also for your personal tracks (workouts, reading, upskilling certification courses).
    Soumya Chaturvedi
    Planning the day properly taking up tasks according to time
    Rahul Mehta
    Being a developer I always list down my tasks and I go through them one by one it helps me to keep track of the work I've finished and how much work has left. It also helps me to manage a timeline for my tasks.
    Baishali Chhabra
    The best time management strategies for you will depend on your specific situation and goals. However, some common time management strategies that have worked well for others include creating a schedule and sticking to it, setting clear priorities, breaking large tasks into manageable pieces, and using tools like timers or Pomodoro techniques. By following these principles consistently and intelligently applying them to your own life, you can maximize the amount of time that you spend doing what matters most – achieving your objectives.