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  • Threads can get Meta in trouble (Opinion)...

    Cyril Gupta
    0 replies
    Over 10 million people signed up to Threads. That’s a lot of users. I don’t think I can build a following by exploiting expanded reach by being an early user anymore. That’s okay. The big question is, with all that traction and buzz that Threads has. Will it kill Twitter? I am not so convinced. 1. The product is weak None of the interesting little features and add-ons that make Twitter special are there on Threads. No DMs. Yes, we actually need them. No hashtags. (You can’t click and discover tweets) No trends. No GIFs. No recommendations. No way to organize publishers. There’s a lot more. The nuance is missing. It’s a good MVP but I would launch an MVP to a small pool, not the entire world. Once the expectations arrive and the product runs short, Threads will have a problem. 2. It’s going to hurt Instagram Okay, so no one is talking about it but this is the most important thing. Meta brought all of its Instagram audience over to Threads. I don’t get this decision at all. Yesterday most of the people who celebrated Threads were not Twitter users. They were Instagrammers. Instagram is a successful product with photos, short videos and more. The more capable they make Threads (put in all these features), the more they will hurt Instagram. I think that is going to work out really bad. If traction on Instagram reduces, Meta will not be able to overcome that by any potential traction it gets on Threads. Definitely fishing in very dangerous waters. Remember Google+? Buzz is good but it does not guarantee success. I remember the buzz when Google+ first came out. At that they were the hottest trailblazer. Becoming the fastest growing social network then, as Threads is now. That didn’t last long. People on social media like viral trends. Silly memes, stupid videos, crazy stunts. They get billions of viewers, then they are forgotten. Threads will have to do better than Buzz. What’s next? My account on Threads is up. I am watching, posting. It didn’t let me create my company’s account yet so I still need to figure that out. At this time it's too early to talk a lot about it, but if you are still not on Threads then go ahead and create your account. Push a few posts out. If it gathers speed, we’ll be there. What do YOU think about Threads vs Twitter? Tell me about it.
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