This is Bogdan and I'm launching xTiles next Tuesday.
Bohdan Romaniuk
15 replies
Next Tuesday is a big day for our project. Of course, it is impossible to predict what result awaits us.
But we have done a lot of work, and I am happy to share fresh ideas and features that we used before the launch!
Fingers crossed, and hopefully, I'll have something to share after launch!
Sven Radavics
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
All the best!
Awesome, looking forward to seeing it! Any more info you can give on xTiles?
@marin_smiljanic Oh sure! xTiles is a visual tool for organizing your ideas. Just watch the short video :)
Wish you good luck!
This day is coming!π
All the best with your launch. I will be happy to support you. Just keep me updated.
NVSTly: Social Investing
good luck with the launch!
Is there a way I can subscribe to your landing page? All support to you guys Bohdan and best of luck.
@ammaramehdghani oh, sure, Ammara!
Looks good! Keep it up!