This "Boring" ranch jobs platform makes $88K/year. How’d you do it?

This "Boring" ranch jobs platform makes $88K/year 😱 Business model? - Helps people find jobs related to ranching and outdoor activities. Stats: - Solo Founder - Revenue: $7.300 MRR - Monetization: Freemium - Category: Job Board More info here πŸ‘‡ If you had to start this business, how would you do it?


Gurkaran Singh
Hey there, fellow tech enthusiast! First off, kudos to the solo founder of this "boring" ranch jobs platform raking in an impressive $88K/year! Who knew ranching could be so profitable, right? In terms of starting a similar venture, I'd say it's all about roping in the right audience (pun intended). Understanding the needs of both job seekers and employers in the ranching and outdoor activities space is key. Offering a seamless user experience, leveraging data science to match the right candidates with the right positions, and perhaps adding a dash of embedded programming magic for that extra oomph could be game-changers. If there's one thing I've learned from my tech and startup journey, it's that innovation and a bit of cowboy spirit can take you places. Giddy up and happy ranching! 🀠 Best, Gurkaran Singh