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  • The rise of emails: new kind of social, influencers, and advertisers' mecca?

    Vasilina Leushina
    2 replies
    People are willing to pay to receive valuable content. Email influencers are rapidly emerging, and advertisers are entering this area. Why? From the side of subscribers: - the noise of socials: logging into FB and analogs in order to read meaningful posts is a bad idea - you get distracted, you forget why you came in, you will find yourself liking DIY videos with recipes. - when googling, you find a lot of low-quality information - how to understand what you can believe? - "I want to receive emails from people whose expertise I trust." Important: not a promo, not discounts, but valuable content - educational, supporting my awareness in the profession/topic, inspiring and motivating - User ready to pay for such content - it is cheaper than studying From the side of content creators: - advertising is getting more expensive and for small / start-up businesses, bloggers, the paid channel is too expensive and not profitable -> it is necessary to build up a loyal audience in order to be able to make offers and sales or monetize on advertising. - building an audience on social networks is now difficult and, again, expensive - for example, you start a group in FB / account in Instagram - there are not so many free methods of promotion - you have to advertise, plus you need to generate countless content - you need to post at least twice in a day - but emails it's a different story - you collect lead magnets, share them in free channels - the audience is growing. You don't need to generate a ton of content - weekly emails work great. So what: - There is an opinion that emails will mutate into the next reincarnation of social networks - more private, more customizable, more securing. Inbox is becoming a more private place -> tolerance to advertising mailings decreases. - The email-influencers' trend is still upward - it means that riding this wave, you can gain an audience quite quickly and cheaply - have time to use it! - My Surfaces.One service is designed to start your newsletter blogging as quickly and as easily as possible: write articles on a blog, run your content hub, send email newsletters to subscribers. The favorite feature of users, "subscribe now" mini landing pages, created in one click, help create lead magnets easier and faster than any other service on the market. Join and enjoy :) https://surfaces.one/


    Nik Hazell
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    This is interesting, @vasilina_leushina! I've read a lot about text/whatsapp based marketing recently as well...
    Vasilina Leushina
    @nik_hazell Yes, I saw the same about Whatsapp - a pretty interesting trend which is looking for its distribution channel In Russia, for example, Telegram channels are extremely popular, I think it's the same trend too