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  • The product is not perfect. Should I launch anyway?!

    Brian Nutt
    6 replies
    We have committed to a launch date 1 week out but we still have some user issues we want to address. The product works but has many areas to improve. Should we launch and get user feedback knowing it might not be great or push the launch and refine things more? Here is a link to what we are going to release. https://www.producthunt.com/upcoming/adificial-brand-builder-2 Any feedback is much appreciated.


    Kazimieras Melaika
    Checked your product and subscribed. In my opinion, if the issues will definitely affect the user and you already know them - you probably shouldn't start with a bad first look for your product. I'd say solve those issues first (but still, depending on what are the issues). In other words, do it this way: think about how would you feel as a user of your product if you download it with the current issues you're talking about. If it would make you feel bad and think that the product wasted its chance then definitely postpone. Btw, we’re launching in late April or the start of May. Check out our upcoming PH page: www.producthunt.com/upcoming/eff... Our project is called: Effecto. It’s an app for detailed health tracking. Pretty much for everything that is related to your physical or mental health and every daily factor that can affect you.
    Brian Nutt
    @kmelaika Thank you for the feedback. We have some decisions to make quickly. I will check out your product page too.
    Paul VanZandt
    If the issues affect your product's core functionality, push it back. This needs to stand out as valuable and refined (to a certain extent) to make users buy into your vision.
    Brian Nutt
    @paul_vanzandt Yes, agreed. It's functional and useful. It's also a feature of a much larger product development that we are launching because we think it is fun. The tool is intended to be free but we still want it to be performing at a high level. We'll see what the week brings. Thank you for your comments. If you haven't already, check out our ship page and see the product for yourself .https://www.producthunt.com/upco....
    I agree with Paul and Kazimeieras! If the core functionalities are not working well then it would be ideal to push back a little. Maybe consider narrowing your offering with what works well and gives you a competitive edge in order to launch and start getting feedback. While you have something on the market, you can work on improving the other areas you have issues with, that could be released at a future date.
    Brian Nutt
    @jennifer00 Yes agreed. Thank you for your feedback. If you haven't already, check out our ship page and see what I'm referring to there. https://www.producthunt.com/upco.... The Brand Builder is the part we are releasing. It is a feature of a much bigger development project but we think it is helpful on its own. it will be free when it hits the market.