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  • The Highlight of Last Week - Underperformers

    This past week has highlighted the damage that one or even a few underperformers can bring to your company. Worse, underperformers who aren't spotted early can rise to high positions then unload on the company. - How does your talent management ensure that you’re hiring the best? - How does leadership hold your talent management accountable? - How do both coordinate together to prevent underperformers from being promoted? Review what happened last week. Look at how it affected partnerships. If you partner with the wrong company who hires underperformers, it affects you as well. See if you can spot the two creatures that were identified this past week in the Meet Mr Series. The wrong employee can do significant damage.


    Matt Cloud
    We were stuck for almost a full two days at the airport and they kept telling us that they'd have it resolved soon. I don't know who did what, but that made our trip a nightmare!