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  • The great secret sauce to accomplish what you want and even more.

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    All successful entrepreneurs are hard workers, is something that everybody already knows, but why we hear so many people and even sometimes ourselves put in a lot of excuses and whining: “I’m not smart enough”- “I don’t have enough time”- “I don’t have money” because success is not about those things but is about what we do with what we have and hard we are willing to work. I believe that anyone absolutely anyone who’s willing to work hard can become successful no matter where you are or where you born because success is up to you. But I want to make something more than clear, the path will not be easy at all, you will suffer a lot of struggles sometimes maybe every day but a promise you that all of that will worth all the problems during the whole process. And what kind of problems probably you will have as an entrepreneur? 1. The biggest problem will be yourself. 2. People around you will tell you that you can't and that could make you doubt yourself. 3. You will sleep less. 4. You will feel overwhelming. 5. You will what to give up sometimes. 6. Some people will humiliate you. 7. You will not see progress as quickly as you want. 8. And a lot of troubles more. (Maybe you will find at the moment when you accomplish your dreams a become part of the large group of successful entrepreneurs some people that will see your progress and achievement’s as luck and for those reasons, they will call you a lucky guy but you have to be aware of what some people see as luck is just matter of discipline, sacrifice, persistence, bad nights, and hard work.) So the big secret is work ethic? Yes, it is, to achieve all your goals and dreams you have to build a strong work ethic. And for motive you to do it, I will tell you the greats benefits of a strong work ethic: 1. A commitment to hard work builds patience, be successful is not overnight it will take a long time. 2. A good work ethic enables you to experience progress. Your work will take you a little bit closer to your goals every single day. 3. Hard work gives you a sense of accomplishment, just imagine how will feel every time you achieve one of your main goals. 4. Good work continually builds your self-confidence, it shows us what we are capable of and reminds us what we have accomplished so far. 5. Hard work makes an impact on your career, this benefit seems like a no-brainer, but don’t overlook it. 6. The work ethic breeds humility, when you spend years working on your goals, you understand on a deep level how difficult it is and what it takes to achieve something great, and also all the experience of failure you may have in the process will eliminate whatever spirit of arrogance you may have. 3 Simple ways to improve yourself through hard work: • Improve your mind, successful people never stop learning, so your task is the same you can’t stop to learn, so read as many books as you can, read articles, listen to a podcast, take online training, I’m don’t believe that you have to learn everything in schools and have degrees I think that build the discipline to study alone make you a better hard worker. • Improve your skills, don’t feel comfortable with the actual level of your skillsets, try to improve a little bit more always, remember, better is available. • Improve your health, if you’re not healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of your future of you work, why you are working for, so do exercise every day and eat be careful with what you are eating. Now is time to begin as fast as possible to put into practices these lessons, don’t overthink your situation, and just try to make little improvement in your work ethic every day doing those 3 things: 1) Get up early or stay late as much as you can at night and put yourself to work, It all depends on you are an early bird or night owl, personally, I’m a night owl because I’m more effective and productive at night for those reasons I work more at night but that doesn’t mean that you will not work during the day or at night, work as many hours as you can, remember is about hard work. 2) Learn something new, find a book of your interest and begin to read it, I love reading is a great advantage because you can learn in a week, days or hours what at someone it takes maybe decades to figure out. 3) Create the habit of daily exercise, you don’t have to run a marathon or make 100000000000000 push-ups just take a walk or make 50 push-ups, it’s up to you, but don’t begin to big. “Is time to outwork everyone.” If this content was helpful, I want to ask you a small favor, I am starting my own startup and I am looking for feedback on what my project is about to make networking less time wasted and more productive and easy. I will appreciate it if you do it but if not, thank you very much for your time, and see you at the end of the "SUCCESS" line.
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