The 'ghost' of unfinished meeting tasks...

Loic Thirion-Lopez
8 replies
When action items fade into oblivion: - Who's really responsible? - How do you track them? - When do you follow up? - What's your success rate? Share your action item tracking secrets! ⚡️


TJ Larkin
Launching soon!
The '2-2-2 rule' for action items. 2 mins right after the meeting to clarify tasks, 2 tasks max per person, 2 day check-in for quick blockers. Overcomplicating the system was actually killing our follow-through.
Rachel Marie Thompson
2-2-2 rule, love it! A little structure goes a long way. I'm trying a similar action item cadence - 5 min recap after meetings to clarify next steps, 3 priority items max per person, weekly check-in on progress/blockers. Keeping it lightweight but consistent to make sure things actually get done post-meeting. 👊
Zachary William King
2 tasks max per person is key! Any more and things fall through the cracks. I also set reminders for the 2 day check-in so nothing gets forgotten. It's simple but effective for making sure important action items actually get done post-meeting and don't become ghost tasks that haunt the team later...
Loic Thirion-Lopez
Thank you all for your ideas and strategies for turning your meeting into action.
Jesse T. Glover
Success rate went up when we started using Slack channels for action items. It keeps everything visible and easy to follow up on.
Lily Edward
Splitting larger tasks into smaller single-owner actions has made our tracking process more effective. It's simple nut works.
Mia Haris
I like to set calendar reminders for tasks immediately after meetings to avoid forgetting them.
Ethan Samuel
My go-to method is creating an action log during the meeting itself. Each item gets an owner a deadline and a status check in our next meeting. It's not perfect but it's made follow-ups much more structured.