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  • The follow-for-follow practice

    Chris Sarca
    5 replies
    I usually follow people that start interesting discussions, people that I have things to learn from, or simply makers with products that interest me. Sometimes when I have time I follow people back, if I get a follow. I'm at that point on this platform where I can easily check who unfollowed me, just to satisfy my curiosity and learn more about the people on this platform. Back in the early days of Instagram, this follow-for-follow practice was really popular, but to me, it felt strange to have a lot of followers that are 100% not interested in your content. How do you feel about this practice on Product Hunt?


    John Koo
    It's an interesting topic. I think a lot has changed. It's now important to post interesting content if you want to get more followers. People don't follow other people on platforms or social media unless they're interested in their content. Simply following and following back can generate some engagement, but you must have something valuable to offer.
    Chris Sarca
    @imjohnkoo Yes, I agree, and it's way better this way.
    I felt the same way about Instagram and I wasn't a fan of the practice because it felt odd to just follow people for the follow lol I've been following some accounts from #f4f for 6 years now. I was looking for film graduates to Β-test my AI model and I did a post on Instagram about it and boom! Someone I was only following for 5 years was a film graduate and studio producer! He relayed B-Test to his network, so thanks to my odd relationship of just following each other for years, I was able to obtain the needed number of test participants in a very short period of time with $0. On Product Hunt, I f4f everyone. I think following a person online is opening the door to getting to know a person online and if someone opens the door for me, I will reciprocate that interest 100%! (personal preference of course)
    Chris Sarca
    @mycelebs_elle Interesting to see that sometimes this works, hmm on PH it feels easier to do this and makes more sense to a certain degree, though to me it still feels weird.
    Carmela Padasas
    In my first month here, I only follow one person, only the founder of PH. Later on, I realized when you follow and connect, your post will be more seen like any other social media platform. So, I think it depends on your purpose here. But in the bigger perspective, PH helps in SEO