Testing Beta
Shubh Patni
6 replies
(Leave your products down below. I'll test each one of them)
Hi, I have a product hunt launch soon. My product is live and I just want to make sure it goes smoothly. If you could spare 5 minutes, can you test my product and report any issues?
Congrats on the launch!
I just tried it out -- I made a resume with not a ton of info, then decided to add education. When I went back to the resume and clicked the refresh button it wouldn't show up anymore
I also was confused as to where to create resumes, I wish the sidebar had a button to just create one to start. Took me a while to realize I had to go to dashboard to do that.
Overall, this is pretty awesome and this would be great for a lot of college students especially!
Crypto Curated
@entreeden Hey thanks a lot for the feedback
So there are two buttons, refresh and reset
refresh loads data from resume so if you saved that resume, and make changes, and click refresh it'll get previously saved resume data
Reset will get data from profile. So the education you created, to get that on the resume, click reset
I'll update the UI to make it more clear thnx a lot,
Also just turned no notification for thinksy, can't wait to test it :)
oh and one more thing, i thought it was weird GPA was required for education. some people don't have a great one and wouldn't want to show it! :D
Crypto Curated
@entreeden You can choose to hide it while creating resume.
Hey man mine is coming in a month or so, will update you for testing ( ;
Crypto Curated
@istiakahmad Yup send it !!!