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  • Startups! How do you manage remote teams effectively? 🤝🌍

    Ghulam Abbas
    30 replies


    Gary Lenz
    By using the right communication tools
    Ogaga John
    Rayna UI - Free 500+ Components & UI kit
    Rayna UI - Free 500+ Components & UI kit
    First things first when it comes to managing a team remotely from the early stages, have clear communication - Have a system that allows for easy flow in communication across teams. Aside from having unified platforms like Slack or Teams, set up a virtual call that allows you and your team to stay aligned The next thing would be having a method or use a tool that allows you to keep track and stay updated with progress on projects/tasks. For my team, I use ClickUp and Notion, for smaller teams I would recommend trying out Trello
    By keeping communication open and frequent, we can quickly tackle any issues, offer support, and make sure everyone feels connected and in the loop. This approach really helps in keeping productivity and teamwork strong, even when working remotely 🌟
    Alexander Galitsky
    Simple. Just keep them in-house
    Rayyan Jawed
    Agile system is the best way to manage remote team!
    Renly Borris
    I keep my remote team on track with daily stand-ups and weekly reviews. Tools like Slack and Asana help us stay organized.
    Jabari Zuri
    As a development lead I don't find managing my team remotely any hard, it is quite easy with multiple team management tools and productivity tools, what I find particularly hard is building a connection with the team and get them to work as a team, especially when they have not met in person before and have very little communication outside of work.
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    Managing remote teams can indeed be challenging, but we’ve found a few strategies that work well for us: - Regular Check-ins: Daily stand-ups and weekly team meetings help keep everyone aligned. - Clear Communication: Using tools like Slack and Zoom for instant communication and video calls. - Task Management: Platforms like Trello and Asana help us track progress and deadlines. - Team Building: Virtual team-building activities to maintain a strong team spirit. On a related note, we recently launched a platform designed to simplify team collaboration and remote work. If you’re interested, check it out here: Amploo. Would love to hear what’s been working for your teams!
    Launching soon!
    Managing remote teams effectively involves clear communication, setting clear expectations, using collaborative tools, and fostering a strong team culture.
    Candy Portuondo
    For my team, regular video check-ins and shared task boards have been lifesavers. They keep us all in sync, no matter where we are.
    Deangelo Hinkle
    Using collaboration platform to keep communication flowing and expectations crystal clear. It’s really made managing my remote team a lot smoother.
    In my experience, to key the managing a remote team is all about clear communication and the right tools. Regular updates and feedback keep us engaged and on track.
    Nupur Tevatiya
    Communication and transparency is the key to manage a remote team. Having empathy and making your team comfortable around working together is the key to build the long lasting remote team.
    Isabelle W
    From my experience, regular stand-ups are a must, but video calls are where the magic happens. There’s a big difference between just hearing someone and actually seeing them—video calls help keep everyone on the same page and connected emotionally. One-on-one meetings can also be valuable. It's a great way to align personal goals with company objectives, so everyone stays satisfied and motivated.
    Olga iaLOVEnko
    We use @ralify. It’s our product to set goals, track and communicate. All at one platform. ☺️
    Deepa Somasunderam
    Try Confluence. A startup I previously worked at used it and we found it helpful to have this virtual office.
    Sophia Brosius
    Hey there! We’ve found that regular check ins and using project management tools really help keep everyone on track. Also, communication is key!
    Managing a remote team has its challenges, but using collaboration tools nd setting clear goals has made a big difference for us. It’s all about staying organized and connected .
    We use Asana for project management and tracking tasks. Having a centralized place to see what everyone is working on and collaborate has been clutch. But you're totally right, regular virtual team meetings and ensuring consistent communication in Slack are key too. Oh and we started using Drovio for pair programming and code reviews which has really helped the eng team stay in sync remotely.
    Ruth Funmilayo
    I make sure we have regular stand-ups and use collaboration tools to keep track of tasks and deadlines. It helps everyone stay aligned and motivated.