Some news
phil k
1 reply
Wth (SaaS) been testing a few methods and think we'll settle on one. Costs are manageable (subject to more testing).
I may have attracted some private investment just a small amount but first thing I want to do is make it water-tight. This means our servers will go "offshore" because although we aren't doing anything bad or unlawful I prefer not to risk disruption with a UK host who doesn't understand.
It's expensive but worth it.
I can only do it IF I get this investment and that will be subject to a few caveats so lets see what happens in the coming weeks
How exciting is that?
Also, someone contacted me on twitter/X about a design. I liked his prices and Framer work. They looked really good. So it looks like I will have some sort of nice landing page at the very least as it's affordable with or without the mentioned investment.
Finally, I've now completed a week on Product Hunt and can/will list ASAP and post more about this publicly.
Thanks everyone! We're getting there!
phil k@philk1
By the way I can't believe I made it here the Mods have been great 😂 considering.
I consider this site to be a prestigious place so I owe it to all of you to study the guides and give it my best shot.
The feedback will be invaluable and the main reason I'm here.
Really I can see this thing being ready in weeks not months so exciting times.