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  • Society Improvement

    Ojelola Ojelabi
    2 replies
    What do you think can improve society through technology and communication in the means of news (TV) social media/radio (communication)


    I think that for-profit media is disastrous for news and society in general. When profit is a motive, media needs to place articles which generate income before those of the public interest. And that's assuming a good actor, who isn't lying or misrepresenting facts (which is more common that people may realise). Things need to sparkle and generate clicks. I think that the issues with our current systems are not technical, they're societal. Capitalism is bad for information for a start, and human beings are not really designed for social groups at this kind of scale. We're under-evolved for what our society requires.
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    Well with all this improvement doesn't always mean good improvement. The more accessibility the more damage can be mad- for example, online bullying. lot of suicides with young kids because of this, and people having accessibility, lower morals or principles since it isn't done in a non virtual setting, and the ability to hide behind aliases or fake people.