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  • Share your Website Stack! — Here's mine:

    Rowe Morehouse
    4 replies
    ▶︎ Share your web stack — the products and services you use to build, run, serve your website, and deliver your product. Include URLs to help out the community! … Here's Mine 🡒 Astro Web Framework - https://astro.build/ 🡒 Tailwind CCS - https://tailwindcss.com/ 🡒 Decap CMS - https://decapcms.org/ 🡒 Netlify - https://www.netlify.com/ 🡒 Planetscale DB - https://planetscale.com/ 🡒 AWS - https://aws.amazon.com/ 🡒 Gumroad - https://gumroad.com/ 🡒 ClickBank - https://www.clickbank.com/ 🡒 DPD Digital Product Delivery - https://getdpd.com/ --


    Laurent Gobert
    🡒 IDE (to write the code): vsCode - https://visualstudio.microsoft.com 🡒 Framework: Symfony - https://symfony.com/ 🡒 Javascript: nodeJs - https://nodejs.org/ 🡒 DOM manipulation: jQuery - https://jquery.com/ 🡒 CSS: Tailwind - https://tailwindcss.com/ or Bootstrap - https://getbootstrap.com/ 🡒 Translations tool: Deepl - https://www.deepl.com 🡒 Tasks management: ClickUp - https://clickup.com/ 🡒 Code versionning: Gitlab - https://about.gitlab.com/ 🡒 Error management: Sentry - https://sentry.io 🡒 Email server: Postfix - https://www.postfix.org/ 🡒 CMS: Wordpress - https://wordpress.org/ or Drupal - https://www.drupal.org/ 🡒 CRM: Zoho - https://www.zoho.com/ or Microsoft Dynamics - https://dynamics.microsoft.com/ 🡒 Server: apache - https://httpd.apache.org/ or nginx - https://nginx.org/ 🡒 Database: mariaDB - https://mariadb.org/
    Ruben Lozano
    Hey @rowemore Did you try www.stackshare.io? It is really nice. I love that platform. :) Cheers,