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    Catherine Norris
    16 replies
    Looking for like-minded people to follow and talk about AI, the future of work, and product management. Drop your Twitter handle in the comments if this sounds like your jam and let's be Twitter friends! Find me here: https://twitter.com/catwindorf


    Sanket Goyal
    https://twitter.com/Sanket_goyallll Lets follow each other and build stuff :D
    Javier Montero
    https://twitter.com/recapit_xyz followed. loved Collato!
    Robert Poplawski
    Hey Catherine, Happy to hear from you... +1 from me! https://twitter.com/PoprobertRobert
    Catherine Norris
    @robert_poplawski Thanks Robert! Followed you back 😊
    Good to see you! Just followed yours https://twitter.com/anna_ch_anna
    If you're looking for indie hackers, solopreneurs, SaaS makers, Startups, and product managers, Find joy @enjoy_eom https://twitter.com/enjoy_eom (we're enjoying the communications on Twitter)
    Sanket Goyal
    Followed You Catherine :)
    Irina Haupt
    Loving your content already! <3