Share your biggest productivity hack.
Pritam Nanda
26 replies
Matthew Johnson@mattovca
Startup-Investor Fit
Time blocking is without a doubt my favorite productivity hack. On Mondays I plan what my priorities will be for each day, and the last thing I do each day is timeblock out the following day so I know how my day is going to go, and there are no surprises.
@mattcrail I agree that planning your day in advance makes you lot more productive. Thanks for sharing this!
time blocking and leaving the house for some fresh air is so important for me
@kapatalas Thanks for sharing your hack. Taking frequent breaks is the life blood for creative professionals and I can relate to your POV.
Planning things. At least per week or per day. Doing it in the easiest way possible - todoist, trello, the simpler app is the better. When I started to plan procrastination just disappeared.
@mikhail_ivanenko Thanks for sharing! Planning in advance indeed leads to productivity.
Working on what I enjoy - Interest and enjoyment = a productive me
@maxwellcdavis That's such a simple hack. Yet a lot of people don't end of doing what they love. Thanks for sharing!
Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Trying to attack all your tasks at once will leave you feeling stressed out and you'll ultimately be less productive. Set out 5 or so realistic, high-importance tasks to do in a day and leave the the rest for tomorrow - you'll end the day feeling fulfilled and productive :)
@patricia_bsc_kairn I can see how passionate you are about being productive. Thanks for sharing your secret hack!
Having an inbox.
Not just for mails, but for everything. Found something interesting on twitter? A movie to watch? A mail to reply? An order to place? Send it to a singular inbox and batch process them, usually on the day/week end. Lets you put away distractions knowing you can come to it later.
@almost_designer That's an unconventional, but interesting productivity hack. Thanks for sharing!
Having enough sleep :D If I'm sleepy or exhausted, I can hardly focus on tasks
@daria_novikova14 Having a good sleep is one of the most under-rated productivity hack. Thanks for bringing this up here.
Social Champ
Well, social media management tools help me tbh! While I have so much on my plate to work on, auto-postings helps a lot.
@tahniat_alam With so many social media platforms to post on, auto-posting definitely takes a lot out of the plate and helps in focusing. Thanks for sharing!
Blocking my internet distractions: Netflix, Instagram, etc. I was always guilty of pulling up a second screen to internet surf.
@allison_mui Focusing on one task at a time is undoubtedly a huge productivity booster. Multi-tasking is a myth.
Plan your day on a paper. Stick on the wall where you face and work.
@satyendra_sahani Yes. Despite all these apps, paper remains the most distraction free productivity tool.
Setting a single goal for each day.
1. I Identify what is most important.
2. Look for Logical Overlaps
3. Manage my time well on each goal.
@vaibhav_taneja Interesting. But there might be days where you would have multiple goals to achieve. How do you deal with that?
@vaibhav_taneja Great! Thanks for sharing your hack π ππΌ