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  • Share one tip to grow your PH influence

    David Lee
    16 replies
    I am sure everyone is here with some type of intention on their own. My intention is to share value with the community and in return gain more followers for my upcoming product launch. Here is my one tip to grow your PH influence. 1. Spend 30 minutes everyday and select 5 topics where you can provide value. Follow the topic creator, upvote the topic, leave your value driven comments. Follow the commenter below, upvote their comments, leave follow up comments on their comments. By doing this, you will be able to gain at least 5 - 10 followers a day organically. Do you have any other tip to share?


    I post some discussion around my products or projects that I am working on. This helps me to make more friends on PH.šŸ˜‰
    Ceeya AI - Personal Brand Builder
    @zeng Hey Zeng! You know what, face to face Zoom call with you is the single best way to grow my PH influence I did today. You are awesome!
    @djteknokid You are the awesome one!šŸ¤—
    Maya A
    This is super helpful David! Thank you for sharing :)
    Maya A
    @djteknokid Recently have been going and testing products and giving feedback. I think that has been helpful to form connections and support.
    Ceeya AI - Personal Brand Builder
    @mayaa.17 Thanks Maya. I'd love to hear any tips if you have one thing to share. Thank you!
    Alyne Padilla
    Iā€™m a big fan of quality over quantity and regardless of platform that can be achieved through authentic relationship building efforts.
    Ceeya AI - Personal Brand Builder
    @alynepadilla Hey Alyne, I agree! Quality beats quantity anytime. How do you suggest that someone build authentic relationship on PH? Do you have any tips to share?
    Alyne Padilla
    @djteknokid Hey David. Iā€™m a newbie to PH but feel the same principles that work on LinkedIn apply here. Some top tips would be 1) Build relationships before asking for anything (too many sales type approaches happening everywhere) 2) Engage with others authentically through their posts, company pages, etc. 3) Hop on virtual coffee breaks 4) Personalized DMs with thoughtful messages to name a few.
    Ceeya AI - Personal Brand Builder
    @alynepadilla Thank you. I really love #3. Virtual coffee break will take you realllly far (of course, the real coffee chat will be awesome but everyone lives too far from each other)
    Kenny Hawkins
    @alynepadilla well said! Customers expect genuine people and product. Those who do this best will win.
    Alyne Padilla
    @kenny_hawkins Love the add on of genuine products as well. Completely agree!
    Ceeya AI - Personal Brand Builder
    Could you share your tips here instead of sending people to your own post which do not have a tip?
    Won Park
    DeepBrain AI
    DeepBrain AI
    Good Idea!
    Kate Erina
    Thanks for the great advice! Tip from me: Create a dedicated collection of products that you find interesting and useful to attract followers with similar interests and are looking for new products to discover