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  • S​truggling to Rank on Google for the little guys [this is for you]

    Is your SEO is slow, why? I've looked into this WHY, there has to be a solution. In a way this is a shortcut that people blurt out doesn’t exist, but nobody checks for themselves, they just go with the flow! [If you are new to SEO, you must read up on, watch videos on "how SEO works" but continue to read into it as first time reading most of everything will go over your head]. Once you've read all about the onpageSEO, parts of this area are wrong, this is why you're struggling to rank on Google. SEO professionals who have gone down this route too are applying it incorrectly. This is what happens from their viewpoint, they will find a design for the page and optimise it for onpage SEO then submit for indexing through GSC [Google Search Console].  When Google eventually indexes it, Googlebot cannot see the full picture but only sees a partial image and their SEO nosedives and flatlines for months on end until Google finally works it out, hence their SEO will always be Slow. To overcome this problem and get your ROI to take off, apply it more robustly. A business CEO owner wants the best for their website so think like a *CEO business owner* and NOT from the viewpoint of an SEO professional and your page[s] will take off straight-away, so no flatlining.  About 5 years ago, an idea popped into my head, I focused more on as a business owner to optimise my one page experiment. I did all this within 24-36 hours, designed a free template [no CMS], optimised the onpageSEO, did my onpageSEO audit and technical pagespeed to all pass. Remember a pagespeed pass is a ranking factor. Go there as Google wants you to pass but if most leave seeing their results they won’t improve and pass. Once all was completed, now was the time to submit for indexing, with 5-10 minutes back then, the page was indexed by checking via site:yourdomain-name.co I thought let's see IF the page was ranking based on the term why "SEO is Slow" and found to my amazement that it was sitting on Page 3, so it worked, no more nosediving or flatlining. The other day, one brainy intellectual posted a question on a social media channel, he wanted a question answered and it interested me. Upon seeing his new website, he wanted to know why his keyword within the domain wasn't ranking on Google, but that's another story regarding Sandbox. His neuro-cancer surgeon page was 85% optimised thinking more as a business owner point, a lot better than from an SEO professional would. Once he leaves Sandbox his page[s] will accelerate away, no flatlining here, he optimised his page the right way. SEO professionals are optimising their pages the wrong way, hence their SEO ROI continues to twiddle their thumbs waiting for Google. There are some well known SEOs who are trying to do it the right way. So any small businesses struggling to rank, think as robustly your way, keep your onpageSEO within the guidelines of White Hat and your pages will produce traffic a lot quicker than the old way. Change your mindset when optimising your baby, this will help startups as most businesses fail within 12 months of launch, now that’s sad news.
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