Roast my startup idea! A customizable Flutter Boilerplate to facilitate every need of your business!
Abdurrahman Yiğit
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Yes. I know there are tons of Flutter Boilerplates online both paid/free.
Yes. I know that you are saying 'Oh c'mon, another one?'
Yes, I know all the boilerplates promise the same thing but in time they become more of a dependency than any other package.
I know this because I have been there. I understand you.
This is the part where I come in. Let me tell you more about my product and myself.
I have built +35 mobile apps in the past 3 years and I know how cumbersome some tasks are. Even if you do it for the first time or the 100th time. The case for me was building them 100th time. So, over time I built my own boilerplate without realizing that I was building it.
The solution I found includes not only common features such as router setup, folder structure etc. that you can find in any other boilerplate but also commonly used 3rd party integrations, highly scalable software architecture and many more.
Here all the list (it will be long. please be ready):
Data Controllers
Screen Controllers
API Layer
Model / Enum Layer
Push Notifications / FCM
Analytics / Firebase, Mixpanel
Image Picker
In App Review
Local Notifications
Revenue Cat - Stripe
Local Storage / GetStorage, SharedPreferences
Debugging and Formatting Functions
Form Validation
Dependency Injection
Design System (control everything about desing in one place)
Main Layouts
Onboarding Pages
Splash Page
App Bars (powered with enums)
Persistent Bottom Nav Bar (powered with enums)
Customizable Common Elements (Buttons, Dropdowns, Bottomsheets, Checkboxes, Switches, TextFields, Texts)
Popups (With a very easy to use structure)
Fully Covered Image Widget (No matter what is the source extension ‘svg,png,jpg’ it works)
Not only that but also the best part is:
There will be also a terminal code for generating a folder structure for that modular architecture.
For example, if you want to add a 'make-order' feature to your app the only thing you have to do is run that code in the terminal and it will create all the necessary files and folders for that module with the naming you have chosen. (models, controllers, views, API services)
You don't have time to build common modules? I got you.
For example, do you want to add a real-time messaging feature to your app? Buy the already built and ready-to-use real-time messaging module.
Put it in your code.
Make your customizations (UI or some logical customizations if you want).
Now start chatting.
With that being said I believe I built an apple-like environment in my product. You can buy only the boilerplate, both boilerplate and modules, only modules etc.
Did it finished. No.
I know how difficult it is to read someone's code and get good at it. In fact, the documentation is so important here I believe it is not a very solid solution.
You will also get access to documentation and recorded videos to teach you how the code works, what is what, where are the things etc.
Finally, you will be invited to a Discord community bla bla bla. You know the rest.
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