Rejected by YCombinator
Vivek Gautam
11 replies
I have applied on YCombinator second time , and got rejected again. Felt sad , But I am back on track to pivot the product.
I willl try to save money or this time.
Julia Doronina@julia_demyanchuk
Don't worry, my friend was rejected about 6 times. Keep trying!
@julia_demyanchuk Damnn , that needs really tough courage . Thanks for kind motivation
Don't worry about it, I've never been accepted into the program and still built two decently successful startups!
No problem buddy, there are tons of giant companies run by solo founders who haven't even applied on YCombinator! :)
@hosseinyazdi It Looks like I have to follow @marclou steps
Don't give up! If Y Combinator is something you really want to do you have to keep at it. The difficulty for getting in is fierce because they have so many applications.
@scottlabsai I am thinking of going Solo, this time. Target: Launch MVP next month with niche persons
Ah, YCombinator giving you the classic startup rollercoaster ride, huh? Time to pivot like a pro and show them what you're made of! Who needs YCombinator when you've got your own money-saving plan in action, right? Onward and upward!
thanks @thestarkster for your kind support
Launching soon!
Keep focus on what matters to make your ambitions a reality.