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  • ProductHunt made titles too bold?? Why would they lol?

    Clau Marin
    10 replies
    As a designer I think that's a bit too much, I can't even read comfortably. Thoughts?


    I hate that...
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    Bold titles, bolder discussions! 😄 I think the boldness adds a dash of excitement to the hunt. Keeps things lively and attention-grabbing
    Clau Marin
    @umar_saleem Yea but breaks the hierarchy as everything is now bold and "important" so your attention can't go in the right place..
    who knows.. maybe a modest product, between flashy products, would look the most attractive..
    Jessi Ebden
    Get you! Sometimes, bold titles can be a bit overwhelming, especially when it comes to readability. It's all about finding that balance between catching attention and ensuring a comfortable reading experience. Maybe they're experimenting with different styles to see how the community responds. Design preferences can be quite subjective, but clarity is key. What would you suggest to strike the right balance? 🤔
    Clau Marin
    @jessica_ebden I can see they already removed it, right? Well I truly believe bold fonts (700+ font-weight) is definitely not for a list of products in the daily top.. What they did until now is perfect in my opinion!
    Rajiv Ayyangar
    This is pretty helpful feedback! Thanks everyone! As you all guessed, we're experimenting with info hierarchy. My general feeling is that the tagline is way more useful than the logo - would you agree? I also agree that having the name + tagline be bold can seem a bit too loud...we're thinking about it internally.
    Clau Marin
    @rajiv_ayyangar Hi Rajiv! As a Web&Product Designer I agree titles/names needs to be bolder to stand out, but your platform is mainly made out of titles and names haha, it breaks the visual balance where exactly what you said, looks like everything is screaming at you. Glad you found my post!
    Jennifer McKnight
    ProductHunt may have increased title boldness for emphasis, readability, or branding. Bold titles could catch attention in a crowded feed, aligning with their goal of highlighting innovative products effectively.