Post your desktop app and I will test it for you for FREE

11 replies
Howdy, I am looking for 5 makers to share with me their pre or post launch desktop app (native or built with electron etc). I am going to do an in-depth review and look for any bugs (manual testing) and write a page report on what I believe is working and what isn't working for me. In return tell me if the feedback report I give you makes sense to you and if it's valuable. 🙏🙏🙏 Are you in?


@realjordanellis Okay just installed it!
Jordan Ellis
@orliesaurus Thanks! If you'd like you can send me an email with your findings to
@realjordanellis Will do too! Thanks for sharing!
@realjordanellis I found one small bug so far, great app!
Josh May
Internal LinksGPT
Internal LinksGPT
Orlie is the man! Sounds like a lot of value!