Pitch your product in 5 words and share link

Priyanka Saini
23 replies
Pitch your product in five words and include a link to your website for those who want to learn more about your product. I'll go first: 5 words- Collect , Share, Video , Audio, Testimonials Link : www.feedspace.io


Effortlessly organize life, boost productivity. Discover more at [XXX].
Ellis Pinsky
In the next hour I will
In the next hour I will
custom, quick mvp development: https://ellispinsky.com/work
Huudle AI Project Assistant
LinkedIn Personal Branding for Startup Founders https://momentumscribe.com/
Priyanka Saini
@bahar_ozkan This is so useful for all new startups!! Great work!
Huudle AI Project Assistant
@priyanka27 thank you! Appreciate you spread the word for visionary founders!
Yogita Gholap
I tried with 4 words. TestCart Automated Shopify Testing. https://testcart.io/
Divine Rivers
Career Exploration for College Students - Launching today in a couple hours πŸš€ producthunt.com/products/careering
Priyanka Saini
@divine_rivers1 Best of luck!! share your link here so i can support!
Harold Gary
5 words - Free Customize Mac Context Menu: Link: https://iboysoft.com/magic-menu/ The free Lite Edition of iBoysoft MagicMenu enables you to effortlessly add new and enhanced features to your Mac's right-click menu, boosting your productivity. With just a simple click, you can create various types of new files, copy/move files, instantly access frequently used files, apps, and web links, permanently delete files, and much more.
Shikha Singh
5 words: Workplace, organisation, knowledge, AI,assistant. We are launching our new product Ayraa insights next week .πŸš€ Website- ayraa.io
Priyanka Saini
@shikha_singh15 wonderful!! All the best Shikha!!
Onkar Rana
5 words - Don't need of lawyers anymore. ( LeXi Ai)
Maurizio Isendoorn
Never call with customers again! (you can click the banner next to my name)
Priyanka Saini
@maurizioisendoorn Interesting! Notified. you can notify my product as well if you think its useful for you. thanks :)
Domas Sakavickas
Increase your Shopify store sales Link - https://wiss-bundle.com/
Priyanka Saini
@sakozzy Following! like the ui of your website. best of luck!
Asmitha Rathis
5 words- never answer same question again Link- www.querypal.com