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  • Non-paying brands logo on website

    suman saurabh
    12 replies
    Would you put a brand's logo on your website if you have signed up users from a certain brand but they arent paying yet.


    Mohamed Zakarya
    If it's legal, yes :D
    Mohamed Zakarya
    @joshuns If the brand agrees on displaying there logo on our website. Because some brands are very skeptic about it
    Josh Unsdorfer
    @mohamed_zakarya can you elaborate? or provide an example scenario of what would constitute legal use?
    Maria Yermolenko
    Only if the logo owners do not mind
    Josh Unsdorfer
    @maria_yermolenko how would the consumer know ?
    Maria Yermolenko
    @joshuns good point! they can easily check by contacting the brand. And if they do so they will realize you can be trusted.
    Josh Unsdorfer
    @maria_yermolenko good point Maria. Out of interest, have you ever called a brand direct to verify authenticity ?
    Maria Yermolenko
    @joshuns never:) I never really thought of this as a source of a feedback, but will definitely consider it in future.
    Josh Unsdorfer
    Im interested to hear what people believe is the "threshold" to be able to place the logo on site?