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  • New to Product Hunt and looking to launch my first product soon, any tips?

    37 replies


    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    No hacks. Just hard work. 1. No tips will save you if you don't have a good product, clear website, and simple onboarding. 2. You can't ask for upvotes, mass message users, or DM strangers on messengers (WhatsUp, Telegram). The PH team removes fake upvotes, and you might get disqualified completely 3. Prepare all PH assets for your launch 4. Be active on PH (support others, create discussions, comment on others' discussions). 5. Create your Coming Soon page. Share it on PH, Twitter, LinkedIn. 6. Be active on social media. Post about your PH launch. 7. Connect with people from PH on LinkedIn/Twitter. 8. Clean your launch day and the day after that. 9. Check your website, analytics, and the onboarding process. 10. Check your welcome email sequence. 11. Engage in real-time. 12. Make sure you can reach out to people who can support your product throughout the 24-hour launch day. 13. DM people on your launch day with a reminder. 14. Join relevant groups and chats. Support people there. 15. Track your progress with tools like hunted.space or Product Wars 2 16. Prepare social media posts, announcements for communities, emails. 17. If you have a team, assign responsibilities. 18. If you have investors/current customers or work with influencers, send them a reminder before and on your launch day 19. Ask happy users and customers about reviews. 20. Analyze your results, share updates, and say thank you. Here's everything (and more) in Notion: https://olenabomko.gumroad.com/l...
    Alex AI
    I created a GPT last week for the launch phase. It's based on three of the best guides to ProductHunt launches. You can ask it about anything related to the launch: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-LCNa...
    Be clear about what your product does
    Lana Zivkovic
    If it’s possible, let people try it for free or at least give some discount for early access.
    Paolo Go
    As someone already wrote, just be clear about what the product does. Sometimes I find quite hard to understand what some listed products do
    Ron Bull Innovation
    It's great that you're about to launch your first product. A few tips for a successful launch: Preparation is key: Make sure you prepare your product page carefully. Clear, appealing images and a concise description that emphasises the benefits of your product are crucial. Community engagement: Get actively involved in the community before the launch. Comment and support other products to gain visibility. Gather pre-feedback: Use your network and early adopters to gather feedback on your product and make improvements before you launch it on Product Hunt. Plan the launch day: Choose a day for the launch when you can be active and respond to comments and questions. Interacting with the community on launch day can be very valuable. Promotion: Use your own social networks and channels to draw attention to your launch. An email campaign to your subscribers can also be very effective. Find a hunter: If possible, find an experienced "Hunter" on Product Hunt to feature your product. This can increase visibility. Good luck with your launch! It's an exciting journey.
    Outlit AI
    Outlit AI
    @ronbull Great insight Ron, I appreciate you providing that detailed response. I'm sure it will help my launch!
    Ron Bull Innovation
    @jearle Josh, what's the best way to contact you? I tried it on 2 emails on your page, but without success :-) Do you have any working email for me to contact you?
    Mihajlo Kovacevic
    Meme, meme, meme! 🐸
    Simona O'Neill
    Hi Josh! Welcome to PH community 😊 My one piece of advice would be to have a very clear plan of action. If you don’t have a large network of people who will be ready to support you on the launch day, you’ve got to start working on that. Decide on what you need to do, set the steps and mark it as done or to do as you go along.
    Absolutely! Launching your first product on Product Hunt can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Here are some valuable tips to ensure a successful launch: Firstly, focus on creating a compelling and engaging product description that clearly outlines the problem your product solves and its unique features. Secondly, leverage your network by sharing your launch with friends, family, and colleagues to garner initial traction and feedback. Additionally, engage with the Product Hunt community by participating in discussions and providing value to other users. Lastly, consider utilizing AiToolsKit.ai, an All-in-one platform offering a suite of AI, SEO, writing, YouTube, and social media tools for free, to enhance your product's visibility and reach. Good luck with your launch! https://bit.ly/ph-product
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Engagement with community, fruitful discussion (stick to the topics) and staying in touch with people (I write with many of them on LI).
    Rihab Zaidi
    Check my summary on our recent launch https://www.producthunt.com/disc... ! Good luck
    Emmanuel Raymond
    Here for all the useful replies. Thanks for asking a great question ✨
    Maria Polesh
    Avatars by Studio Neiro AI
    Avatars by Studio Neiro AI
    Remember the launch lasts 24 hours. All this time you need be in touch with audience
    Atticus Li
    I am also launching my first product soon, but I have another account that I use to buy and test products on here. I am very much an early adapter. So this is me as a customer. The one thing I think everyone is missing is this: REPLY back to your users. I will take my time to message your team when I run into a bug or can't get the tool to work. Please write back and be helpful. I bought your tool because I support what you are building. You took the risk of building a company, and I took the risk of paying for and testing your product. I am already a fan when I am using your product, but you can quickly turn me into a detractor when you ignore me or is cold to my questions.
    Outlit AI
    Outlit AI
    @atticusli Great advice, It's sound like a full 24 hour things so I'll make sure always to be active ahah
    Abigail Salimpuran
    @atticusli Absolutely agree! As a customer and an early adopter, nothing fosters loyalty and trust more than responsive and helpful communication from the company. When I encounter issues or have questions about a product I've invested in, receiving a prompt and supportive reply makes all the difference. It's a clear sign that the company values its customers and is dedicated to providing a positive user experience. So, here's a reminder to all product creators out there: engaging with your users and addressing their concerns can turn satisfied customers into enthusiastic advocates for your brand.
    Prem Saini
    Be consistent, connect with how much ever people you can
    Outlit AI
    Outlit AI
    @prem_saini1 Any suggestions on how to connect before the actual launch?
    Irene Banks
    Tell a story about your product. Why did you create it? What problem does it solve?
    Be active on social media like Product Hunt, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.