Marketplace for selling your PH product?
11 replies
Hi all, everyday tens of amazing products are being launched on Product Hunt. What I often see is dead links after a few months after launching or stale products.. Nothing happend after the launch bump.
But still these are great products and deserve an operator who is willing to grow is further.
I've built , a marketplace to catch these products and find a new owner for them. Would this be interesting for you?
Any feedback is welcome.
WP Umbrella
Brilliant idea, thank !
@eivindhaa Thanks!
Log Harvestor
This is a good idea. I would definitely invest in an idea like this. 👍
Love the idea. I have a few projects that I put on the back burner that might have more value to someone else. So this is of interest to me.
I haven't explored the site, but will if I can find the time.
Yes, I see the same thing! Some time ago I built this little site which I also launched here on PH:
Here's a bit more of the backstory:
I started this from @awilkinson's tweet:
"There are all these cool products that are on Product Hunt. Every day you think "that's cool". But most of them fizzle."
Good luck with the product! I think it comes down to marketing now, like with every new product.
BuyMySideProject got almost 30,000 visitors from the launch, but this came quickly down to 300 visits/month without putting effort on marketing:
@jonastwt @morgan_grace Maybe Jonas wants to buy this from me? :)
@raunometsa this is great! I saw it when you launched it. You're clearly the better designer here haha. Do you offer updates through email?
@jonastwt @raunometsa Ironic! : ) You all should combine forces?!?