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  • LinkedIn or X for network & audience building?

    Ali Gordon
    8 replies
    If you had to choose one platform to focus your efforts on, which would you choose? I'm looking to grow my network of Indiemakers and my instinct is that X is a better fit because LinkedIn is much more corporate, but wonder if I'm missing something. Appreciate your votes!


    For me LinkedIn is the best platform.
    Dzmitry Tsemirau
    I saw some statistics recently. So, conversion rates on LinkedIn are approximately 2.5 times higher than on Twitter. In addition, the life of a user on LinkedIn is much longer. On Twitter, as far as I remember, on average there are only about 40 days. I vote for LinkedIn.
    Personally, I have found success building my network on Linkedin. It has a more casual and community oriented feel, which suits my audience.
    Fabian Maume
    https://www.indiehackers.com/ might actually be the most relevant place for you.
    Donald Dude
    For professional network, LinkedIn is recommended.
    Igor Lysenko
    Definitely LinkedIn
    Anthony Riera
    100% on X for me. This is where most of the value is made. For me, not only that I' generating leads from there, I'm also creating genuine connexion, I'm learning every day and also I'm growing my audience at a rapide pace! also, now X pays you! Which is also a big bonus when you get bigger :)