Let's connect and support on X😆

Gloria G
104 replies
Hey buddies! I just wanted to restart my journey on X - connect with new people, share ideas, and interact more. Would any of you in the ProductHunt community want to connect on X? I'd love to expand my network and follow more makers, founders, designers, developers and others. It's always inspiring to see what everyone is working on! If you're active on X, feel free to drop your @ handle below so we can connect🔥. I'm looking forward to sharing and chatting more on that platform. Also, if anyone has advice for growing an audience and community on X, I'm all ears! There's so much wisdom within this group when it comes to social media and marketing. Let's support each other's journeys and continue the PH spirit of community on other platforms too. I've found connections made here lead to collaborations, feedback, and friendships. Hope to see you all on Twitter!


Jacobs Journey
@profy17 Followed you Frank :))
Gloria G
@profy17 Let's go, Frank! Already followed.
Cyril Gupta
CloudFunnels AI
CloudFunnels AI
I am @cyrilgupta on X
Abhinay kumar
Hey Gloria, would love to connect with you! Here's my handle - https://twitter.com/_abhinaykumar_ I am also launching my product SayData on PH on 17th August, would love your support. Please follow do SayData to get notified on the launch day.
Gloria G
@abhinay_kumar8 Let's support! Already got notified about SayData! I'll also launch BoolVideo very soon. Would appreciate it if you could follow it to get notified.
Abhinay kumar
@amir_sohail9 @jacobsjourney - Thanks for the support. It would be really helpful if you could also follow the product launch at this link as well - https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Abhinay kumar
@amir_sohail9 @jacobsjourney @lu_boolv We have launched our product today and would appreciate you trying it out and sharing your reviews if not done already. We are currently #1 on product page (SayData)
Jacobs Journey
@abhinay_kumar8 Followed you Abhinay! Looking forward to your launch!
Tyler Loyd
@abhinay_kumar8 Following you on X now✌
Jose Chipana Tica
Hey guys! I will like to connect with everyone 🤩 https://twitter.com/josepaulct
Gloria G
@anna_shults Great! Just followed you on Twitter. Excited to connect and learn more about your product🔥.
Jacobs Journey
@anna_shults Followed you Anna :))
Jacobs Journey
@vera_mur Followed you Vera! :))
Vera Rose
@sanket_goyal wish you the best on your upcoming launch 🥳
Jacobs Journey
@vera_mur Happy to connect!
Gloria G
@sanket_goyal Same here!🫡 Also followed SayData! Best luck of your launch, man!
Gloria G
@quinn_boolv Let's go, Jones🚀
Jacobs Journey
@quinn_boolv Followed you Jones :)
Tyler Loyd
@quinn_boolv Following you now ✌
Jones Yue
@sanket_goyal Thank you! Same here!
Jones Yue
@jacobsjourney Thank you! I'll be following you back!
Weiru (Launching Vizard now)💜
Super new but here we go: https://twitter.com/weiruyeee We just launched Vizard today - would love for you to check us out!
Jacobs Journey
@weiruye Followed you Weiru :))
Tyler Loyd
@weiruye Following now✌ also congrats on your launch.
Gloria G
@weiruye Let's go, Weiru. Already followed.
Yevhen Melnychenko
Will be glad to connect and support with all of you )
Jacobs Journey
@lidongsjtu Hey Dong Li! Followed you :)
Gloria G
@lidongsjtu Let's go! Already followed.
Gloria G
@sharmayash Followed! Also followed SayData. I'll also launch BoolVideo very soon. Would appreciate it if you could follow it to get notified. https://www.producthunt.com/prod... Best luck of your launch🚀
Jacobs Journey
@sharmayash Followed you Yash! :))
Hassan Muazzam
Yes of course Here is my Twitter profile link: https://twitter.com/hassanmauzam
Fernando Tucci
Would love to connect! I am here: https://twitter.com/JFTucci
Gloria G
@jftucci Followed Back! Also great to follow Kansei & get notifiedi! I'll also launch BoolVideo very soon. Would appreciate it if you could follow it to get notified. https://www.producthunt.com/prod... Wish all the best of your launch🚀
Jacobs Journey
@jftucci Followed you Fernando!
Fernando Tucci
@jacobsjourney Right back at you! Good to connect with folks over there too!
Tyler Loyd
@jftucci Following now Fernando
Jacobs Journey
Would love to connect with all of you! https://twitter.com/hiJacobsJourney