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  • Landing page feedback

    Good afternoon everyone! ❤️ I am new to web development, as I know that everyone in this forum has more experience than me, so I wanted to ask for some advice. I have created a landing page for my startup with the aim of attracting "potential" users before the beta launch. - www.exlide.io I don't have any web experience (UX / UI) other than diving into forums, Youtube, etc. For this reason, I would like if it is not a bother, whether you could take a look at my website and give me feedback on the following points: (i) General design (ii) Message comprehension (iii) Any other advice Thanks a million, I do not know what we entrepreneurs would do without this kind of platforms.. Best, Ignacio


    Ruben Wolff
    While a simple design is not a problem, I think yours lacks visualization effects. Your video should probably come at the very top of the page, otherwise when visitors land on your page, they see a text and an invitation to enter their email address. Not a good thing. Then with the video itself, I think I understand what Exlide does, but I think you should make it more obvious, with a nice little catchphrase or something, so that people can see directly without watching the entire video what pain point(s) your product solve. You're on the right track :)