Join BetaTrade, a free community for founders to become each other's beta users
10 replies
Hey founders!
I'm really excited to share the beta launch of BetaTrade (, a community for connecting with founders to become each other's beta users.
Finding beta testers has always been a bit of a challenge for me.
A few weeks ago, I thought "what if I offered a 1-1 trade with another founder to beta test each other's products"?
At minimum, we'll both get to:
1. Learn about other cool products
2. Receive (hopefully) valuable feedback on our products
3. Meet other cool founders
The core idea of BetaTrade is that everyone contributes - no tolerance for people who are only here to take from the community and not give back by participating.
To encourage this, I'll be adding a simple rating system where you can leave feedback about your experiences with other beta users. People who put in real effort beta testing will then be able to more easily find beta users for their products :)
- create your personal profile / startup profile
- filter startups by category, keyword, rating
- submit / receive 'beta requests', which prevent the need for publicly listing your email address and getting spammed
As of this post, I'm the only user on the platform, but if you're interested, start by signing up, and you can start receiving Beta Requests from users who are interested in connecting with you to test each other's products.
Sign Up For BetaTrade -
I'm looking forward to connecting with you and helping each other out.
I'm a three-time startup founder and have built one and a half (depending on who is counting) successful bootstrapped startups, so I feel like I can help provide some value trying your product.
If you like this idea and want to chat with me directly, feel free to reach out at
Sven Radavics
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
This is great. Just came out of beta myself but would have totally been all over it had I discovered it a few months ago!
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
@frontlyapp indeed!
@sven_radavics Thanks Sven! Maybe for the next project ;)
I had the same idea myself - glad someone else actually made it!
@maxwellcdavis Thanks! A simple concept, but if enough people join then it could become pretty useful.
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NVSTly: Social Investing
interesting, neat concept
Interesting concept. Will check it out. All the best