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  • Is it important to have a Twitter / X following for your bootstrap launch?

    Bryan Van Horn
    5 replies
    Trying to grow right now, but not sure if it's worth the energy.


    Rahul Rajagopal
    From what I understood based on our previous launches, getting on the top 3 is pretty hard without an active community. Even though you have a good product.
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    Not really, but an existing user base or supporters does help a lot.
    Sudheer Yerra
    Linkedin can be a great alternative for you to explore for those initial connections
    Avital Trifsik
    Won't hurt.. It's a great platform and following that can help you spread the word about the launch and get to more eyes :)
    If your followers are possible early adopters or prospects, yes. They can try and spread the word.