is content becoming a commodity ?
Ulysse Armengaud
5 replies
With the proliferation of online platforms and the ease of creating and sharing content, there is a vast amount of information available. This has led to increased competition and a lowering of barriers for entry into content creation.
Generative AI makes it even easier to create personalized high-quality content.
is content becoming commodity ?
André J@sentry_co
Not authentic commodity. Auto-content is definitely a commodity
I mean yes it’s definitely becoming more accessible to generate or create content but I don’t think all contents created equally right it’s more often to do with quality, creativity, relevance, authenticity, etc.. of the content.
In addition I think, with more and more tools, especially AI, the idea becomes more and more important, not the execution.
@maxjacobs I agree but don't you think that AI tools can also generate valuable ideas ?
something that come to my mind when reading your comment is that what can be valuable is the way it is delivered
Yes, of course. Content is invisible asset of a brand.