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  • Is anyone launching a product today? Share your products here πŸ‘‡

    Shweta Kawar
    74 replies
    We've officially launched our product, and the response has been fantastic! Show your support by upvoting and sharing your thoughts in the comments. Your contribution means the world to us. Check it out here: πŸ‘‡ https://www.producthunt.com/posts/feedspace


    Nishtman Kano
    we have Launched Dostany, the new way of social networking https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Nishtman Kano
    @shweta_kawar Hi, yes checked your product before commenting, the idea is great and convenience but a part of people may are not happy to go on public or add their video, my recommendation, 1- add AI video avatar, so people can record their voice under AI avatar also can be custom avatar of a picture to be uploaded by user! hope this can work
    Deepak Sharma
    @nishtman_kano Thanks Nishtman, great recommendation. I'll discuss this with my team internally and will surely update you how we're going to utilise your recommendation. Thanks Again!
    Shunsuke Sakata
    Congrats on launch ! We also just launch morph! https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    gcui-art/suno-api:Open-source SunoAI API
    gcui-art/suno-api:Open-source SunoAI API
    Launching soon!
    Not today, but soon. Wishing you a successful launch! upvoted!
    Vincent Xu
    AI Researcher
    AI Researcher
    Hi there! Congratulations on your successful product launch! I'm actually planning to launch my own product soon and was wondering if you have any advice for someone who's new to this. Also, I'm really interested in getting your feedback once my product is live. Would you be willing to check it out? You can click on the "Notify" button to get notified when it's ready. Thanks so much in advance!
    Jaden Hong
    Congratulations on being #1 product of the day!!! We are launching soon too! https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Mansi Trivedi
    A well deserves 1st place! Congrats! :)
    Lungy: Spaces for Apple Vision Pro
    Lungy: Spaces for Apple Vision Pro
    Well done, Shweta! πŸ‘πŸ‘ We're launching Lungy (https://www.lungy.app) tomorrow (it's an interactive breathing platform).
    Shweta Kawar
    @lukehale Thankyou for your support Luke! Lungy sounds like an incredible project. Wishing you a successful launch tomorrow! πŸš€ will surely support you on your launch day.
    Viona SEQUEIRA
    Wishing you a successful launch! Making sure to support it we launch tomorrow and your support will be appreciated too :)
    Shweta Kawar
    @viona_sequeira Thankyou for the wishes! Best of luck with the launch tomorrow! πŸš€ I'll definitely be there to show my support on your big day.
    Viona SEQUEIRA
    @shweta_kawar We've launched!!! would appreciate your vote and review of what you think about Midstay! https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Conmigo Media
    Best f luck for your products! We was launched HiccAway is a safe, natural alternative to current hiccups remedies and is made from BPA-free plastic.
    Shweta Kawar
    @himanshi_khurana1 Thankyou for the wishes, Best of luck for your launch too!! will surely support you. Hope you upvoted us too!
    Alex Rodukov
    Launching soon!
    Supported! we recently lunched, LLM spark BY YourGPT :https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
    Good luck to all launching today πŸ‘
    Jagtar Singh
    Congratulations on the launch. Not today but will be launching soon.
    Shweta Kawar
    @jagtarsingh2 Thankyou for the wishes, Best of luck for your launch!! will surely support you on your launch day. Hope you upvoted us too!
    Dongho Yee
    Congratulations! I hope it goes well We also launched a new product in the vision of building an online brain :> check it out! https://clemory.io/landing/welcome Our slogan: DON'T FORGET!
    Shweta Kawar
    @clemory_worker Thankyou for the wishes, Best of luck for your launch!! will surely support you. Hope you upvoted us too!
    FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/
    Shweta, my congrats! Upvoted/commentedπŸŽ‰
    Shweta Kawar
    @pavel_sher Thank you very much for your support, Pavel. Also Wishing you the best of luck with your launch :)
    James Sukosd
    Congrats on the launch! I launched Thrive a one-on-one personal coaching fitness app and we are offering people 7-days free --> https://www.thriveperformance.co...
    Shweta Kawar
    @james_sukosd Congrats on your launch I checked your website and it looks amazing look forward to explore more. Feel free to check out our product; it's designed to assist you in establishing trust with your clients. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Hugo Aguiar
    Thank for your product! It's very interesting! I'm launching a product base on AI to help to estimate tasks: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Shweta Kawar
    @haguiar Glad you liked our product. Best of luck for your launch!! will surely support you. Hope you upvoted us too!
    Daxeel Soni
    @haguiar Curious to know how does EstimateAI work? Notified! I will support. Good luck :)
    Melina at TripFit
    https://www.producthunt.com/post... It would mean a lot if you'd have a look :)
    Jules Essen
    Not yet, can't wait to launch though!
    Ramit Koul
    Upvoted! Congrats for the launch! πŸš€