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  • Introduction: Newbie indie maker thanks to AI revolution

    Jan Beck
    0 replies
    Hey, I'm Jan, and I thought I'd start with an introduction of myself here :) I've built my first website as a teenager almost 20 years ago which launched my career in web development. Since I'm naturally opinionated about user-friendly design and blessed with the expectations of reliability that only a German can have, I always fooled around with the idea of launching my own product. However, whenever I had an idea for a product, the technical challenge seemed outside of my skills. Or, I simply lacked the guts of dedicating months of my time to a risky venture. These excuses were blown away in 2023 with the release of ChatGPT (and other AI tools)! Last year I started building out a prototype for a product that I wished existed and that I'm now finally able to create. I've been testing it with friends and people in my (humbly-sized) social network. I even made a 25-minute video about the journey on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjAbF3tfgIQ I'm a fan of the idea of #buildingintheopen. I think it takes courage to show your process including when making mistakes. However, I think it a) can start a dialog of learning with other makers and b) makes the world more honest. We are all just human and humans make mistakes. In that spirit, I'll admit I came here today to post the launch of my product but seems like that has to be postponed for at least 7 days. Lesson learned: prepare early for your launch.
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