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  • Interested to join the first ever open-source video to echo your voice on freedom?

    Iman Moazzen
    1 reply
    What does freedom mean to you? Castofly Technologies debuts the first ever open-source video created by thousands across the globe echoing their voice on freedom on November 15th, 2022. If you are interested to be a part of this historic project, sign up today at https://www.castofly.com to reserve your free spot. How does it work? 1- On November 15th at 12am PST you will receive an email from Castofly with a link to the open-source video. 2- You have 24 hours to create your part. The software will allow you to do multiple takes and easily edit your recording (no video editing skill is needed). 3- When you are happy with the result, press the “Submit” button. 4- Your video will be merged to the master branch and published in a matter of a few seconds. Guidelines: To express our solidarity with the bravehearts who are fighting for their freedom, especially in Iran and Ukraine, the topic for this video is “What does freedom mean to you?” The recording must be under 30 seconds in your language of choice and related to freedom. The recording can be either face or voice along with an image that resembles freedom. You can choose the format that fits you in the application, no need for pre-recording.


    Daniyar Yeskaliyev
    I have signed up via the website, but want to write it here: For me, freedom is everything that expands your options to choose from in life. Without making you dependent on that thing. For example, Founder or CEO of a company seems to be the person with the most freedom in the company because he/she has all the authority, but in fact they have less freedom than an average employee. They risk everything, they are legally obliged to do more stuff, and they can't just leave the company - it will affect all the employees, potentially leaving them jobless. Employee, on the other hand, has more freedom to choose from. They have medical benefits, they are protected by many laws, they can leave whenever they want. Of course, the pay is less, but also the responsibility ~ more freedom. So, in my case, I seek the best balance of freedom / responsibilities. Having more money, more sources of passive income, more friends, passport that allows travelling visa-free, and becoming physically and mentally stronger. When I've ran my first marathon, this thought has hit me: that now, in an event of an emergency, I can ran away for up to 42 km and potentially save my life. Same with owning a bicycle - you're not depending on gasoline, and can avoid traffic jams in case of an emergency. These minor little improvements increase the 'tree of options' that I have, making me feel more freedom. But it's all possible if you live in a country that guarantees basic human rights, and not everyone is lucky enough to be able to move to another country, or just be born in a free country.