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  • Inbox management just got easy

    Claudiu Cogalniceanu
    0 replies
    Hey 👋 Claudiu here! It’s been quite a while since I last posted here, and I thought it would be the right time to get back. I’m on a mission to help Gmail users get rid of spam and unwanted emails, by making it simple to manage their inbox. It all started in August last year, when I began working on Sentrya (https://sentrya.net). As a beginner developer, it took quite a while to get the MVP ready, as I had a lot to learn, but by October, I managed to finish v1 of Sentrya. I also did a low key launch here on PH, and to my surprise, it went really well: - 95 upvotes on launch day - 20 users joined the waiting list - Feedback started coming in It was really exciting to see the results of my hard work, and also to validate my idea. But it was far from over. Sentrya wasn’t good enough to keep users on. - It wasn’t approved by Google - It had quite a few bugs - And it desperately needed some improvements So I spent the next few months working on improving Sentrya, and getting the approval badge from Google. In January and February this year, I started talking to users again and invite them to try it out. As much as I tested and thought about every possible scenario, users have different opinions, and their feedback is much more valuable. - There were some features missing - Sentrya couldn’t handle the new wave of spam coming from free email providers - The flow got disrupted due to page reload on every action Nothing was new and I already knew all of this, but the feedback coming from users hits different, and I knew I couldn’t half-ass it anymore. So I spent the whole month on March getting every ready: - Add the ability to mass delete emails from specific senders - Introduce the “Seal inbox” functionality to completely eliminate spam and junk from the inbox - Add search function - Improve user experience I’m really proud of the progress I made, and now I’m confident that we’re getting closer to completing the mission of eradicating spam. If you want to check out Sentrya, have a look here: https://sentrya.net
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