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  • I’ve roasted 850 landing pages in 2.5 years. Here are the 15 most common mistakes and how to fix the

    Olly Meakings
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    Mistake 1: No pain Explanation: The visitor does have the problem you solve. But doesn’t feel the pain acutely and leaves Fix it: Use the pain-agitate-solution framework to evoke the pain and drive conversion Example: makerbox.club Mistake 2: Objections not addressed Explanation: The visitor has objections and doubts but they’re not addressed Fix it: Review FAQs / support tickets and ensure common doubts are answered early on your page Example: convertkit.com Mistake 3: Lack of social proof or bad social proof Explanation: The visitor doesn’t trust you or your proof isn’t relevant or authentic Fix it: add testimonials to your landing page in multiple places. Tools like Senja.io make it easy to collect testimonials and add them to your website. Example: modestmitkus.com Mistake 4: Not speaking to visitors Explanation: You’ve not asked visitors why they didn’t convert so how can you improve? Fix it: Add an exit intent survey and ask people leaving what was missing Mistake 5: Don’t know how your page is performing Explanation: You don’t know your LP conversion rate but you’re spending time updating it anyway Fix it: Add Posthog to measure conversion performance and identify opportunities Mistake 6: Complex language Explanation: Your page language is complex and conversion decreases as a result. Fix it: Use plain language, remove buzzwords and initialisms, test with https://readable.com/text/ Mistake 7: Messaging is unclear Explanation: Your page has no clear who / what / why but you’re still expecting people to convert Fix it: Add who you product is for, what it is and why they need BEFORE the first CTA Example: roastmylandingpage.com Mistake 8: No USP language Explanation: You sound like every other product in the space. Visitors cannot compare you Fix it: Add comparison language like “the only product to… ” or use comparison tables Example: https://usefathom.com/ and june.so Mistake 9: All tell, no show Explanation: Your page is only benefits language and unsupported text claims Fix it: Add interactive demos, product animations, walkthroughs and case studies to evidence what you’re saying Example: savvycal.com Mistake 10: Centred on you, not your visitor Explanation: Your page is focused on your business, not your visitor and their problem Fix it: Add ‘you / your’ language, and prioritise your visitor over and over again Example: buffer.com Mistake 11: Poor clarity and walls of text Explanation: Your page is difficult to scan so visitors lose interest Fix it: Add headings to each section, break up walls of text, support with visuals Example: llamalife.co Mistake 12: Missing CTA Explanation: The visitor likes what you do but there’s not CTA nearby when they’re ready to convert Fix it: Lock your CTA to your menu (especially on mobile) so it’s ALWAYS available Example: dovetailapp.com Mistake 13: Horrible demo booking page Explanation: Visitor’s interested, has gone to book a demo, form doesn’t convert Fix it: Use this example Calendly before and after: https://twitter.com/helloitsolly/status/1674045035535269890 Mistake 14: Social proof is inauthentic Explanation: The visitor likes your product but your testimonials look faked and inauthentic Fix it: Text testimonials = good. Video testimonials and social media mentions = conversion gold. Add them to your website with a tool like Senja.io Example: storytail.io Mistake 15: Hard to get setup Explanation: The visitor likes your product but worries setup is too complex Fix it: Offer templates, how to guides, and concierge migration Example: jotform.com Tomorrow: How I made $300,000 roasting landing pages My free webinar: join here: https://lu.ma/roasting
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