I'm planning to do LTD [Lifetime deal] launch for my SaaS product to get early adopters. Good idea?
Ujwal kumar
2 replies
My product is a quality prospecting tool, which gives detailed intel about companies, and the extension helps in doing outbound outreach seamlessly to acquire customers. Ideal for any outbound sales team.
Fabian Maume@fabian_maume
Warmup Inbox
LTD, can be a good way to raise money to help develop your product. Just make sure that the recurrent cost of serving customer are low enough.
You can boost your LTD with a product hunt launch: https://www.lunadio.com/blog/we-...
There's pros and cons of course :D
- Get money early
- Get feedback early
- Could potentially gain customers who don't find your product as valuable as it really is (they wouldn't be willing to ever pay more)
- Hard to get them off the platform if you ever decide to remove this model (maybe something like a 5 year subscription or something saves yourself in the future)
- Could make your payment processing logic more confusing in the future
Like @richa_sharma07 says, be careful who you give these LTDs too. They could end up hindering your experience more than waiting for people to pay full price.
Ideally these people would be ones that are fully invested in the vision of your product and are willing to help you with early feedback, not just people who are looking for a cheap tool.