I'll roast your website/app for free πŸ”₯

Stephan Mazokha
23 replies
Let's join the trend! I'll roast your website/app UI/UX for free! πŸ”₯ I'll send you a tweet with 5-10 comments with brutally honest thoughts on your app or website UI/UX, featuring our senior design team over at https://universium.co. Are you feeling brave today? 😁 Drop your website + handle on X.com in the comments below. Expect to get a tweet from me (https://x.com/stephanmazokha) within 12 hrs (or faster). 😎 Quick UPD: In between PH and X, I've received 58 requests so far, so this might take a bit more time than I expected. But you'll get your feedback, I promise! Here's the current list of amazing indiehacker apps: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1amEU5cqIg1SakzYoxA4cbuBbYzqYRvUtfT189B48wTc/edit#gid=0


Harsh Vyas
Hey Stephan, thank you for sharing this approach! We've prepared this landing page template. Roast it and share your feedback. Page URL: https://advertising.pagemaker.link/
Barry Zheng
Here’s mine: https://gptblox.com/ai-programmi... Love the idea of a free roast! Looking forward to your tweet!
Stephan Mazokha
@barryzheng568 awesome! what's your handle on X/Twitter?
Barry Zheng
@smazokha Thanks. This is my Twitter: https://twitter.com/gptblox
Yana Miller
Okaaaay let's go:) iOS app https://apps.apple.com/redeem?ct... Andr app https://play.google.com/redeem?c... my Twitter https://twitter.com/millerd_sign Be my guest and roast it. Take your time.
Stephan Mazokha
@yana_miller Here's your evening roast πŸ”₯ https://twitter.com/stephanmazok... Sorry for the delay! The app is AMAZING!
Salim Lunat
Webestica Webflow Templates
Webestica Webflow Templates
Here’s mine: https://www.webestica.com
Stephan Mazokha
@salimlunat awesome, thanks for posting! What's your handle on Twitter/X?
Abhishek Bhardwaj
The designs on Universium are marvellous. Looking forward to suggestions for our Feedspace website. https://www.feedspace.io/ https://twitter.com/getfeedspace
Stephan Mazokha
@konrad_sx Sorry, I'm on iOS. But I gave a bit of feedback related to your landing page: https://twitter.com/stephanmazok... I hope this helps! πŸ™‚
Stephan Mazokha
@mrnigelengel Here you go: https://twitter.com/stephanmazok... You guys did a great job! Super clean! Had only a few suggestions. Let me know if you need help w design in the future! My team specializes in creating awesome landing pages (apart from a few other things 😁 )