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  • How We Got 700 Upvotes on Product Hunt With an Airtable List

    Dan Kulkov
    25 replies
    MakerBox was our first Indie product. And its launch went amazing! Facts speak for themselves: $1500+ in revenue and #4 Product of the Week And of course (😅) we wrote an article about it! We covered what worked really well for us and what didn’t. Only practical tips for Indie Entrepreneurs. https://medium.com/@dan_kulkov/how-we-got-700-upvotes-on-product-hunt-with-an-airtable-list-6d3c276722c0 Share your tips for a Product Hunt launch. What worked really well for you?


    Sushil Sharma
    I read your post on Medium. It is really nice launch plan. Your list is awesome, really going to help a lot for startups.
    Sveta Bay
    Slogan Generator
    Slogan Generator
    Golden rule - always show the product to users before launch 👀 And don't ignore their feedback
    Tanmay M
    @basv Yes 100%, I basically share sneak peek of the product before launch to create a hype 🚀
    Thank you for the article!
    Can you share your favorite chats in slack or discord for the launch publishing?
    Dan Kulkov
    Slogan Generator
    Slogan Generator
    @ksusha_golovchenko will do the list in July of all communities!
    Chen Friedman
    Great stuff, thank you for sharing the article!
    Zoon Zookla
    What advice you have for a product which is already launched? Is it a good idea to keep it free for a while? Or will it set-up an expectations that product will be free down the line and act as an hinderance if a charge has to be applied?
    Dan Kulkov
    Slogan Generator
    Slogan Generator
    @zoon_s I think this problem could be solved with accurate messaging. There is no problem with Free plans, only how people view them. So just double-down on user research 🔥
    Launching soon!
    Great Article. Thank you for sharing your experience and suggestions.
    Daniel Engels
    Thank you much for recommending Polywork. Seems to be a great channel. P. S. Your result is amazing.
    Yenire leal
    Thanks for the recommendation. Polyworks is totally new for me. I'll test it.
    Andrew C.
    thanks for the article ... i like people that help others grow
    Toni King
    Your article was really helpful. I will use some of the tips in my first launch. Thanks!
    Brenna Donoghue
    Thanks for sharing these experiences!