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  • How To Use Podcasts To Grow Your SaaS Business?

    Deniz AY
    2 replies
    I am a front-end developer. I am building my SaaS product. Do you have experience with podcast marketing for SaaS? Can you give me tips and tricks? How To Use Podcasts To Grow Your SaaS Business?


    Ivan Homola
    Podcasts can be a powerful tool to promote your SaaS business. They can help attract new leads, build a community around your product, and create stronger relations with your customers. *Produce content to attract new leads* Podcasts are an excellent way to reach a wider audience while staying in touch with your existing customer base. Unlike other types of content, podcasts don't require much editing or other post-production, making them easy to create. Also, you can transcript audio into blog posts too. *Build a community around your product* It's a great way to connect with potential customers and promote your SaaS product. Some of the best podcasts are devoted to a particular topic or industry. For example, a series of interviews with SaaS founders and industry experts who share their experiences, lessons learned, and recommendations. The podcast hosts can cover everything from product development to marketing. You can specifically target any niche audience this way. It's a win for hosts too. They promote themselves, and you have content to publish. They usually help with episode promotion too. *Stronger relationship with your customer* Podcasts are an incredible way to connect with your user base. They are also an effective way to share knowledge and educate your audience. You are building a topic authority this way. Customers (listeners) like it when you are consistent. It increases the trust in you, your product (and podcast). If you are considering starting a new podcast, you can check some of the best practices to follow: https://pod.fan/blog/podcast-bes...
    Abbie Hurst
    They also work well for educating your audience and disseminating information. In this approach, you are establishing your subject's authority hire a ghost writer.