How to receive feedbacks of your product?
Fei C.
12 replies
Hey, PH friends
At the first stage of your product development, I know it's very hard to reach your target users, but the feedbacks from target users play a vital role in optimizing your product.
How did you overcome it? How to receive true feedbacks of the product?
If you have any suggestions please let me know!
Jake Tital@jaketital
Ask your friends and people in the space your going into
You should attach your product to the discussion post, would check it out.
@maxjacobs Thanks Max! Check it out: I feel appreciated to see your feedback!
Navigating the maze of user feedback can be tricky, but it's essential for product growth. One approach is to engage with your target audience through beta testing, surveys, or even good old-fashioned one-on-one chats. Remember, sometimes the best feedback comes from unexpected sources! Stay curious and keep iterating.
@thestarkster thanks for your advice!
Did you try asking ?
@alice_hughes Thanks! I will give it a try!
If you have a following it's really easy, but if you don't, I would use cold dm's and give people free stuff in exchange for feedback
@ruben_boonz this is incredibly important. i've been launching products into the void for years. build relationships FIRST. this also makes market research a thousand times easier.
In my experience, people are very willing to get on a call to discuss new products that are being built to help them. As long as you're not trying to pitch them. I've successfully done that numerous times. Google "Lean Startup Approach".
@dovi_lipton thanks Dovi! this is really helpful!