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  • How to manage a remote team?

    Ongun Demirler
    7 replies
    What are the most effective tips on managing remote teams? Do you think remote work model failed like many claim?


    Bakemono Fra
    I think that, if done properly, remote work can be hugely beneficial and effective! The right approach in my opinion when it comes to managing remote teams is to stop focusing on time and start focusing on quality output instead. The real challenge is to put together a good monitoring system and also good communication practices. You want your team to share information as much as possible when everyone is on a different part pf the world :)
    Bakemono Fra
    @demirlero I think that it depends on the team and type of business. In general, I would say a collection of tools that make tasks, assignments, and expected results very transparent, while at the same time keeping the communication always active, especially to: plan the next expected outputs (short term, long term etc), evaluate if expectations need to be modified/updated for any reason, and look back to see what went right and what did not! I don't think there is a 'one-size-fits-all' solution here: to me it is all about establishing good practices, building a healthy culture and picking up tools as the team sees fit based on the use case and needs 💪
    Ongun Demirler
    @bakemono What monitoring systems do you use or would suggest to use?
    Steven Birchall
    I work with remote teams daily, and in my opinion it works really well. In my opinion the key to it is having a clear understanding between all parties around what is expected to be done. If all parties agree on what they will be focusing on, the timelines they are working to, etc, then it's a case of trust. You trust them to either deliver what they said, when they said it, or if for whatever reason things change, that they'll communicate that. If they don't, then you manage them appropriately. In my experience, most people, when empowered to be autonomous and trusted to do the right thing, generally thrive and do a great job.
    I think to manage a remote team the most important is COMMUNICATION and keeping track of tasks daily!💯
    Cris Rat
    if it failed, it's news to me and all my 100% remote colleagues