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  • How to Make a Chatbot Using JS ?

    Sneha Mukherjee
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    Imagine yourself in a world where all you have to do to interact with a company is drop a line to an intelligent humanoid who can resolve all your problems, have a chat with you, and crack a couple of jokes while handling any of your requests. Sounds cool, right? Well, we're not in that world. But we are in a similar one thanks to chatbots (who aren't so great at cracking jokes, alas). They are actually useful in various tasks from making an appointment with a doctor to persuading your robot vacuum not to chase your cat. According to Stormotion research, businesses can save up to 30% on serving customer requests with a chatbot. That's because you no longer have to hire humans to do repetitive tasks like answering basic questions or handling monotonous requests. A chatbot will do it way quicker and cheaper. But for your chatbot to be truly responsive and human-like, it needs a couple of things prehistoric people (<2010s) didn't have — AI and Machine Learning (ML). They allow the chatbot to perform operations that cannot be described as a simple algorithm or a sequence of actions, therefore providing a greater degree of personalization. Why Companies Build a Chatbot: Use Cases Companies use chatbots for a wide range of purposes like automating appointments booking or making personalized offers. In this article, we'll talk about the most common use cases of AI chatbots. Making Appointments & Booking Let's say you have a fitness or healthcare business where your users have to make some kinds of appointments. In that case, AI chatbots may come in handy as they would be much cheaper than a real person answering the calls, but also way more flexible compared to rule-based chatbots, being able to handle new situations, like answering a question it has never seen before. If you're particularly interested in Booking Apps, we have a special article dedicated to developing an online booking system for applications or websites: Making Personalized Recommendations In case you offer users a variety of products, you could integrate a Recommendation System into the AI chatbot. Such a system can provide users with a personalized approach and give recommendations based on their previous searching & buying history. Receiving Voice Inputs & Giving Voice Outputs If you'd like to improve the accessibility of your chatbot, adding voice Inputs & Outputs might turn out to be a great idea. For example, this could be useful for interacting with an IoT device, which may not actually have a keyboard or a display. The most popular example can be Alexa from Amazon. Managing a Few Apps & Services Let's imagine that your business uses a whole suite of different apps and/or services to deal with different tasks. So that your users don't have to constantly switch between them, you can make one point of access to all of them in your chatbot. For example, if your company has different apps for task management, attendance tracking, and planning, you can set up one chatbot and connect to all those services through their APIs. To Experiment with a Javascript ChatBot, Try Wavescript: https://studio.wavel.ai/register?
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