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  • How to get GPT to cut out the fluff from its responses?

    John Carmichael
    1 reply
    So, over the last year there has been 1000's of GPT based apps launched so, I can imagine there are some people in the community here who know a thing or 2 about prompt engineering. When you ask GPT something like "Convert this JSON string to a human readable text in markdown syntax" it will give you exactly what you are after... but... it always encases it with fluff eg: "Certainly, here is blah blah" and then ends with with more polite fluff". How can you get GPT or any other model for that matter, to just be accurate and only output the content you need?


    Sambit Bhaumik
    I always end my prompts with an instruction to be on point. Even just saying something like, "keep your response direct and concise", shows a difference. When it comes to brainstorming ideas like I do with my work, using keywords like "technical" as in "provide a detailed technical response" helps in creating responses with more relevant information without the "fluff". Usually they respond exactly as you instruct them. If you wrote something like, "Give me the code for .... Just provide the code for it and don't explain anything", it will do just that 😀