How to develop creativity?
✴️Nazir Yusifov✴️
7 replies
What factors do you think contribute to the development of creativity? Perhaps it is the environment we are in, or specific practices and exercises?
It is also interesting to discuss what barriers may hinder creative thinking. For example, how can the fear of failure or pressure from others affect our ability to be creative?
Harald Frank@haribelafonte07
Walking outside in nature or the city and just mindfully taking notice of the small things in our world always inspires my creativity.
I have two thought technologies for you: the first is that there are not "creative people" and uncreative people. Check out the book "Creative Confidence" by Tom & David Kelley from IDEO. It will help anyone who has ever thought "I'm just not creative." Creativity is a mindset that anyone can tap into.
The second is that creativity can be turned and off like a faucet. It's the opposite of what we've been taught! Having gone to art school and spent 10 years at IDEO, I've observed a lot of artists and designers—and trust me, they do not wait around for inspiration to strike. Look up Julian Shapiro's blog post "Creativity Faucet." The core metaphor is that your output is like a faucet that hasn't been used in a while—the pipes are full of rusty brown water, so you just need to let it out until it runs clear. (Morning Pages are a similar concept.)
Some random tactical tips: if you're generating ideas, it's easier if you can find 2-3 other people. IDEO's 7 Rules of Brainstorming really help (especially Go for Quantity). Figure out what mode you're in: creating choices (divergence), or making choices (convergence)—both are creative. And of course, any time you're stuck, go talk to a few customers and get their feedback. It will always give you an idea!
Launching soon!
In my experience, there are people who are just naturally creative. They've just got it. However, a more practical approach is to have an experimental mindset, kick out doubt and just test things as quickly as possible. For a creative mind, there are no wrong or right just a series of experiments. The idea may sound crazy, unorthodox, unconventional but that's what being creative is.
minimalist phone: creating folders
It helped me a lot to attend places where the art is.
Not reading only books about creative technique but reading novels, fiction literature and such usual things like "drawing, dancing, photography, ceramics" etc.
You’ve got to train your mind to balance between focus and relaxation, as creativity lies right in between. Meditation helps (and certain kinds of shrooms lol)
Developing creativity is a combination of nurturing curiosity, challenging your mind, and exposing yourself to diverse experiences. Some proven ways to enhance creativity are expose yourself to new experiences, collaborate with others, learn and master your field, experiment and take risks.