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  • How often should I post to become successful on Medium?

    Dilan Aydın
    5 replies


    The Product Dose
    As per our content team experience, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to how often you should post on Medium to become successful. The key is finding a posting frequency that works for you and allows you to consistently deliver high-quality content. Quality should always take precedence over quantity. It's better to focus on creating valuable, well-researched, and engaging articles rather than posting frequently with subpar content. That being said, maintaining a regular posting schedule can help build momentum and keep your audience engaged. Aim for consistency, whether it's once a week, twice a month, or any other schedule that you can realistically commit to. Additionally, remember to promote your articles through social media and engage with your readers to foster a community around your work. Stay dedicated, keep refining your writing skills, and don't be discouraged by initial results. Success on Medium takes time and persistence. For more tips on content creation, follow @theproductdose
    Blake Whittington 👾
    I think focusing on evergreen content is the best move on the board! You’ll be able to publish on multiple platforms and develop your own judgement. I think publish when you have something valuable/evergreen that develops your thinking 💭 — what do you think is a good frequency?
    Dilan Aydın
    @blake_whittington To increase engagement, sharing a post at least once per week should be beneficial. However, it is mostly recommended to post three times per week.
    Suraj Anjaana
    If you have enough matters then can post multiple times in a days ... There are not any conditions like have to post one or two times in a day or week.